A pediatrician reveals why many premature babies die in Cameroon

A pediatrician at the Douala Laquintinie Hospital has explained why many premature babies die in Cameroon when compared to other counties.
Recently, Cameron’s Public Health minister, Dr. Manaouda Malachie stated in a correspondence that out of 1,000 new born babies in the country, 28 of them die of complications related to prematurity. He precised that out of 10 babies, three die of complications of this prematurity, considered the second cause of infant mortality.
Speaking to Dr. Happi Fossi Mireille, pediatrician at the Douala Laquintinie hospital she said “premature babies are susceptible to many complications including lack of simple, essential care such as warmth, and feeding support. Respiratory distress syndrome, chronic lung disease, infections, intestinal injury, compromised immune systems and cardiovascular disorders are not to be undermined. This is because of the baby’s fragility.”
Expectant mothers are also accused of this rise in the death rate of premature babies in Cameroon.
“Some pregnant women do not go for anti-natal care. Some who go do not respect prenatal care consultations, advices, prescriptions and orientations of the gynecologist. To avoid pre-term delivery, they need to do what is rights and demanded of them.” Added Dr Happi Fossi Mireille.
The pediatrician however, advanced that they battle with difficulties to save the lives of these premature babies once brought in the neonatology unit.
“When these babies arrive, we have to rush to check their temperature, ensure they are properly fed and monitor their full development in the incubator until they are out of the neonatology unit in perfect condition. While in the incubator, we also make sure stable babies feel their mothers particularly or father and family member in case the mother is not available, through flesh to flesh touches. Dr. Happi Fossi, elaborated.
The pediatrician at the Douala Laquintinie hospital recommended this practice should be integrated in all hospitals.