Four ways to keep Snakes out of your toilet pot

By Nfor Hanson Nchanji
Snakes in the toilet? Nah! This is the scariest thing you can imagine, coming home tired and worn-out and just wanting to relax on your toilet pot to release the rest of the burden in your stomach, and …you get stunk by a snake!
No, this is not happening. Is there a snake in the toilet?
Many have wondered how snakes enter their toilets, but the answer is simple, depending on your location, your surroundings, and the history of the area, reptiles like snakes can easily enter your soakaway and crawl up to your toilet pot.
When I say the history of the area, I mean areas where snakes are noted to be present. A place like Thailand is noted to harbor many snakes just like Australia is noted to have Kangaroos.
Now, back to business!
We certainly find ourselves in places where life takes us to and therefore have no choice to influence our movements, but I can tell you today that, we have chances of keeping these unwanted visitors out of our “bumbum” hahaha, sorry out of our toilet pots.
1. Keep your environment clean and out of pests

Snakes like pests especially where there are rats. These are food for them, they will come uninvited where there are many rats because it sizes their mouths and smooth to swallow. Also, clean your environment, remove nearby grasses that can keep snakes inside, and spray around your house. Though snakes can still visit clean homes, you can easily see them when they appear rather than keeping a bushy environment and running the risk of missing such.
2. Seal cracks and openings

If you ever notice cracks on the wall or openings around your soakaway, make sure to seal them as soon as possible. Also, check all your pipes especially those connected to your WC, and make sure to seal cracks when you see one, and do not procrastinate. Some soakaways have openings, this is the gateway for snakes. Try to use nets or wires to block the opening of the soakaway, so that water can still pass through but impossible for a reptile, like snake to penetrate through.
3. Get toilet covers

Sometimes, snakes do not necessarily enter your toilet via the soakaway, but they crawl from cracks and enter into the toilet pot thinking it is a safe place. Always have a toilet cover to deter snakes from entering the toilet and most importantly to also prevent the snakes from sneaking out from the soakaway to the toilet and into the bathroom. I always make sure to cover all the toilets in my house after use, especially when we are about to go to bed at night.
4. Have repellents near the toilet

I make very good use of this and my wife can testify. I always make sure that we buy Javel bleach (popularly known in Cameroon as “L’eau de Javel” and in Nigeria as Hypo) I cited these two countries because I am connected to them by birth and marriage, So, I like citing examples where I have lived. Other people prefer using essential oils such as clove or cinnamon, this is because snakes do not like strong scents.
Every time I use the toilet, I make sure after flushing, I will pure the bleach inside the toilet pot. It doesn’t only help keep snakes and other pests away, it makes the toilet pot remain clean always ( smile)
If a snake finds itself inside your toilet pot, it will immediately look for ways to return, that is why point 3 is important because it can hurriedly crawl out into the bedroom or other areas.
When you reach the WC to use, make sure to always look inside the toilet. Sometimes I prefer using the Toilet brush to check inside the lining of the toilet pot for any reptiles ( I always wash my hands with recommended liquid). When in another person’s house or a restroom in a hotel or restaurant, I do the same. Funny things I also do is I cut a long toilet roll and drop it inside the toilet before using it, because it isn’t my toilet, so I cannot determine if a reptile is hiding somewhere inside.
Above all, let our homes have these essential oils, we can also search online to see what can be used to keep snakes away from our surroundings. The purpose of this article is to keep us alert about snakes entering our toilet pots, I am not an expert, I would have elaborated more.
I also hear there are some grasses that snakes hate their scents, if anyone knows this, please put it in the comment section.
Follow these steps, or wait for your “bumbum” to be kissed by a snake!
God forbid!