
CBC has not lost court case – CBC Executive President

The Executive President of the Cameroon Baptist Convention (CBC) has set the record straight, clarifying that reports in the news about the CBC losing a court case in Bamenda are misleading.
Rev. Dr. Nditemeh Charlemagne, CBC Executive President clarified that reports currently making the rounds on social media refer to the “D.O.s administrative decision sealing Redeemer Baptist Church Mile 3 (Bamenda) which Rev. Samuel Jato declared to be his personal property and that the CBC has nothing to do with the church in question”.
The Executive President went on to clarify that “The D.O. ordered the sealing of the church in the interest of public policy when public peace and tranquility could be jeopardized by any fight between Rev. Samuel Jato and his followers on the one hand and CBC Christians in Bamenda Field on the other hand. The Administrative Court in Bamenda recently held inter-alia that the D.O.s decision was not properly crafted…”
In personal correspondence, The Guardian Post also clarified that they were referring to the case between the CBC and Redeemer Baptist Church in Bamenda dating back to 2022.
Confusion arose from the fact that while the paper did not deliberately aim to mislead public opinion, its ambiguous headline caused some confusion.
The case involving the CBC and three excommunicated members is yet to be heard in Bamenda and a judge is yet to pass a verdict on the matter.

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