Canadian University Launches Database On Human Rights Atrocities In Cameroon

(Toronto) On the eve of Human Rights Day 2019, University of Toronto faculty in Canada today launch a global Database of Atrocities to collect and store documentation on killings and other atrocities being perpetrated in the Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon, Africa.
The information is being collected to counter the culture of impunity that has pervaded this crisis since 2016. It is being collected in the spirit of promoting non-violence, justice, and peace.
The database will aggregate, verify, secure, and publish information about atrocities or crimes against humanity committed by Cameroonian military and non-state armed groups. It is nonpartisan and apolitical. All documentation will be securely stored and published online with four main objectives in mind: international justice processes; a possible national truth, justice, and reconciliation commission; advocacy, journalism, academic research; and deterrence from further violence and gross impunity.
Individuals or organizations with photos, videos, documents, or other proof of atrocities from October 2016 to present from Cameroon’s Anglophone North-West Region and South-West Region, can anonymously and securely upload them to the database.
Step 1: Anyone anywhere any time can upload photos, videos, and documents.
Step 2: The information is verified by a team of open-source researchers.
Step 3: Once validated, the information is published online in the database and can be viewed by anyone, anywhere, any time. (continued)
NO identifying information will be collected from people who upload. The Database of Atrocities is hosted at the University of Toronto because of its strong cybersecurity systems, neutrality, and location in Canada.
No member of the database team is affiliated with the government of Cameroon or any other warring party. Amnesty International’s Digital Verification Corps (the University of CaliforniaBerkeley, University of Toronto, University of Pretoria, University of Essex) in conjunction with the University of Toronto will be responsible for verification and publication.
University of Toronto and its partner universities and nonprofits are committed to protecting those suffering from violence and promoting human rights and peace.
To upload photos, videos, or documents to the database, go to:
To view verified information, go to:
For more information on the database, go to: