Dressed in black robe, walked into the Yaounde court of Appeal with all confidence and applauds from the crowd chanting “Kamto president, Kamto president, Maurice Kamto save us”, the renowned legal practitioner kept to his words by defending his detained party members.
A cross section of the 94 political prisoners arrested after the September 2020 peace march detained at the Kondengui prison, were before judges after months of wait. Among them, Bibou Nissack, Kamto’s spokesperson and Alain Fogue CRM national treasurer with smiles upon seeing professor Maurice Kamto among the defense lawyers.
Hearings unfolded diligently but the judge adjourned the case to October 20 2022 for further hearings. The detainees, returned to their cells for yet another month of wait though their eyes could show a glimpse of hope.
These persons charged with insurrection, destruction of property and rebellion risk jail terms going from 2-7 years, are detained in Yaounde, Douala and Bafoussam although over a hundred had been freed.
The Cameroon Renaissance Movement party has been on the spotlight in recent months with the renewal of basic organs in the West region and the outing of some top party big whigs like Michele Ndoki who did not hide her intentions of running for the presidency of the CRM should Maurice Kamto step down.
October 20 will then be another tense day for Yaounde inhabitants.
Read also: Michèle Ndoki wants to lead the CRM