Cameroonians expulsed for Eq. Guinea beg government to create jobs for them

At least 52 Cameroonians repatriated from Equatorial Guinea have arrived Cameroon via the Douala International Airport.
Expulsed from Bata and Malabo since October 20, a special envelope from President Paul Biya containing the sum of FCFA 125 Million permitted the CameroonConsul General to organize and ensure the safe and voluntary return of these people.
“We went through hell while in Equatorial Guinea especially during the expulsion period. I however thank the government for bringing us back home. I intend bouncing into a business in my home country Cameroon,” a deported Cameroonian from the South West region said.
A woman who also spoke to the press on a bus that took them out of the airport said they were treated like people from an enemy country whereas Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea share strong brotherly ties.
Another woman said despite what happened both countries remain friendly:
“Despite everything, I thank the government of Equatorial Guinea for all what I have achieved during my 10 years of stay in the country.”

Now that they are back home, these people say their wish is that government provides jobs for them so that they do not end up depressed and frustrated:
“Things were not moving in Cameroon so I left for Equatorial Guinea where things became tougher. Now that I am home, I plead with the government authorities who helped us return to continue on that path by granting us jobs,” a lady implored.
More people will be coming into Cameroon from Equatorial Guinea in the days ahead.
Read also: Equatorial Guinea: over 100 Cameroonians expelled in 24 hours