MATGENIE workers on strike for unpaid salaries

Workers of the national civil engineering body, MATGENIE, have embarked on a strike action for the umpteenth time. This time, the workers say they have been without salary for over 15 months and can no longer take good care of their families. In addition, no money is being paid to guarantee their retirement at the National Social Insurance Fund, CNPS. Moreover, their family allowances are not being paid and even workers who die get no assistance whatsoever and neither do their family members. A way of doing they consider severely unfair.
Members of the police force were deployed to the place of the strike action this July 5th successfully dispersed the crowd after top administration came down to talk to the workers.

In April 2020, the workers had complained of 9 months of salary arrears and had gathered at the Douala head office to demand justice.
The national civil engineering body operating under the Borrower’s Decree No. 85/1243 of September 18, 1985.