Cameroon vs Libya: CRTV says no money for broadcast rights

The Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV, has explained why they did not broadcast the 2026 World Cup qualifier match between Cameroon and Libya on Tuesday evening.
According to a release signed by the corporation’s Director General, the company in charge of broadcasting rights for the competition gave a high financial offer.
“The company holding the broadcasting rights for this competition made a financial offer increasing by more than 100% compared to the qualifiers for the last World Cup. This amount was considered exorbitant by CRTV, which made a counter-offer more in line with customs in this area,” they said.
CRTV further stated that “The negotiations thus initiated having not been concluded before the start time of the meeting, the company holding the rights unilaterally decided to deprive CRTV of the signal of the event. The Director General of CRTV expresses his sincere regrets over this situation,”.
This is coming after Cameroonians and lovers of football were furious at the state broadcast media for not airing the match live.
Cameroon News Agency Sports broadcast the first half of the game via FIFA TV but this was immediately deleted by Facebook. Football lovers wonder why FIFA TV will allow them to watch the games for free but will not allow pages to show these games to wider audience.