Cameroon Oncology Center At The Service Of Cancer Patients

Are you suffering from any type of cancer? Do you still believe that having cancer is like being sentenced to death? Are you planning on traveling to the US or India or South Africa to receive cancer treatment there at very exorbitant prices?
Cameroon Oncology Center (COC), located in Bekoko, Douala – Cameroon is providing quality cancer treatment with state of Art Technology at affordable prices to all cancer types.
Cameroon Oncology Center (COC) is celebrating 2 years of providing advanced radiotherapy on central Africa/Cameroon’s first medical linear accelerator (LINAC). More than 300 cancer patients from Cameroon and all countries of the CEMAC zone, including Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo, have already benefited from this technology. A medical linear accelerator costs millions of dollars (billions of CFA) and remains one of the most expensive single medical equipment in use anywhere in the world. Our computerized medical linear accelerator is a world apart from Co-60 radiotherapy-based technology which was developed way back in the 1960s.
The LINAC represents a paradigm shift in Cameroon’s fight against cancer. It can provide sophisticated treatment for up to 70 patients daily. Plans are already underway to put in a second linear accelerator and a nuclear medicine section.
Cameroon Oncology Center (COC) is authorized by the Cameroon Ministry of Public Health and the Cameroon National Radiation Protection Agency. COC offers state-of-the-art radiotherapy by a team of caring and knowledgeable experts and scientists. Our radiation treatment regimens include 3D conformal radiation therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), and Dynamic Arc Therapy which are amongst the latest radiation therapy techniques in modern times. COC employs modern protocols (radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery) either as a single modality or in combination for the treatment of all stages of cancer anywhere in the body in a supportive and patient-friendly environment. All in-patients are housed in private rooms.
The COC is one of only 4 cancer centers in Africa that have met the stringent standard set by the United States Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) to participate in US national protocol for advanced radiotherapy. COC is the only center in Africa that has been approved to participate in the International Atomic Energy Agency Radiation therapy protocol for the treatment of bulky tumors.
Two United States board-certified cancer specialists (oncologists) and a host of Cameroonian cancer specialists lead by Professor Jean Yomi collaborate to provide the highest standard of care. This means that for some category of cancer patients, they would receive the same treatment as if they live in the United States. So why go to India, Europe, or South Africa for cancer care when you can get your care at home at a fraction of the cost. COC uses telemedicine and other proprietary techniques to provide international standard cancer care at its Bekoko base, just outside of Douala at the western exit of the town. COC recently acquired a state of art tumor marker analyzer. We would start making these tests available to the general public in the coming weeks.
Officer. Set up your appointment today by calling 679-815-512, 674 438 284, or 677 550 109. Follows on Facebook @Cameroon Oncology Center or visit us at