Christian Penda Ekoka Vomits Paul Biya

YAOUNDE, Cameroun-Thursday September 20, 2018-12:00 PM Local Time( Cameroon News Agency) Paul Biya’s Technical Advisor, Christian Penda Ekoka , throws weight behind Maurice Kamto of Cameroon Renaissance Movement CRM-MRC.
Ekoka might be the only man with Lion’s heart to tell the President that his “time is over”, many serving the 35 year old regime for fear of victimization are unable to do so.
Mr Ekoka’a outing in a Press conference Thursday afternoon in Yaounde, is a booster to the Kamto team which is gradually threatening to be Cameroon’s main opposition.
What is common however with Mr Ekoka and Kamto is that they have both wined and dined with the 86 year old President.
How successful will this support be in boosting Team Kamto? October 7 Polls will determine.