Cameroon: femicide, GBV cases reach 61 in 274 days

Feminists and civil society organisations in Cameroon say cases of femicide and gender based violence (GBV) are on the rise in Cameroon, with 61 cases recorded within 274 days.
“2 new cases were recorded in the East and South regions. 61 cases within 274 days is alarming. This implies the cases of femicide and GBV are on the rise and if nothing is done, it will reach an explosion stage,” Clarence Yongo, a civil activist and advocate of women’s rights warns.
The government, particularly the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family, have been accused of not taking concrete measures to stop the occurence thus contributing to the rise in the practice.
“Their actions taken don’t have impact which to me is due to their poor methodology. They don’t enforce the law protecting women and their rights. The ministry concerned does not collaborate effectively with the civil society organisations especially those working in the grassroot level,” revealed Caroline Mveng, a feminist and civil society leader.
To the feminist, it is not impossible to eradicate GBV and femicide in Cameroon. Clarence Mveng believes the table can be turned “if the Ministry of Women Empowerment and the Family works hand in gloves with civil society organisations, creates safe spaces for victims of GBV in the Cameroonian society to better take care of them, and empowers women because if they master their rights, they will be less exposed to violence. We also need to carry out inclusive sensitization of men and boys’ education on the need to rebuke GBV and be aware of its consequences and to uphold the rights of women.”
The sensitization according to the feminist must touch young people and adults, be it at school, in the professional milieu or other domains of life.