Cameroonian civil society actor Ndimancho Michael Tarche has expressed confidence that a strong coalition can successfully oust 92-year-old President Paul Biya, drawing strength from regional bases.
In a letter addressed to opposition leaders on February 6, 2025, he emphasized that uniting can help spread their message, mobilize voters, and provide critical support on election day. He highlighted key parties such as the SDF (Social Democratic Front) in the North West and South West regions, the PCRN (Cameroon Renaissance Movement) in Sanaga Maritime, the CRM (Cameroon Renaissance Movement) in Baham and parts of Littoral, the UDC (Union Démocratique du Cameroun) in Noun Division, and the UPC (Union des Populations du Cameroun) in parts of Littoral.
Ndimancho acknowledged that forming a coalition is challenging, citing past betrayals during previous attempts at partnership in presidential elections since the 1990s. He noted, “There has never been true unity and coordination amongst you”
He analyzed the SDF’s rise as the “mother of the opposition in Cameroon” and its downward trend portrayed in the 2018 presidential elections, urging opposition leaders to learn from the party’s past mistakes.
Ndimancho further urged the opposition to recognise the “centripetal forces” supporting their victory in the presidential race, including the church, the age of the president, and the will of the Cameroonian citizens.
He made a fervent appeal to opposition leaders: ” for once leave self-gain for general interest, choose the ballot for the bullet. ” He stressed that they can play a fundamental role in fostering and maintaining peace in the restive English-speaking regions of Cameroon.
NDIMANCHO Michael Tarche,
A Concerned Cameroonian and a Civil Society Actor ,
Douala, February 6th, 2025
The Republic of Cameroon
Dear Cameroon Opposition Party Leaders Since the wind of change that blew from Eastern Europe bringing along the long awaited and desired democracy in Cameroon in the early 1990s, you have been struggling on to incarnate this dream of a third Republic in Cameroon. It is important to note here that the opposition in Cameroon was born out of hunger for change. For the first opposition party in Cameroon, the SDF (SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC FRONT), change was only meaningful if Mr Paul Biya was unseated and thus they adopted the slogan; “Biya Must Go”. This made the SDF a populist party given that this was a time when people were yearning for change at the helm of the state in Cameroon and they thought the change was going to be very soon. However, apart from the great display of electoral strength in the 1992 elections (though many still hold that the SDF won), the 1990 momentum soon died down, starting with the disarray noticed among the opposition leaders and secondly by the monumental error committed in refusing to go in for the 1992 legislative elections, probably as expression of anger over the seizure of their victory that year (Albert Dzogang, a main actor of this seizure confessed this on Balafon Radion in Douala in 2024). The SDF party however is considered the mother of the opposition in Cameroon for obvious reasons; it is that 1990 party that defied all odds to grasp the opportunity of democratic wind of change, it lost 6 people at its launch in Bamenda as its charismatic leader, Ni John Fru Ndi (RIP) shouted out; “Power to the people and equal opportunities”, reiterating in lingua franca; “Suffa don finish”.
However, as I noted above, the SDF party started dwindling in results as in popularity as seen in the survey below;
1997-43 seats
2002-22 seats
2007-16 seats
2020- 5
1999-36.0 percent
2004-17.40 percent
2011-10.71 percent
2018-3.36 percent
Permit me to cite a few reasons why the SDF party had such a terrible down fall as this will help you to pre-empt;
- In 2002, many party bigwigs left to form another party called; “Alliance of Progressive Forces” accusing Ni John Fru Ndi of autocratic management of the SDF.
- Recently Cameroon was witness to the infighting still among the party’s bigwigs notably the Joshua Osih camp versus the Michel Nicheu’s
- There was truly lack of internal democracy as one leader ruled for more than three decades
- Article 8.2 further shattered the solidarity in the front as this made the SDF that was formed to liberate thoughts, enable men to associate freely and assemble freely, go out of its calling
-There was gradual disconnect with democratic development as the party came to concern itself only with what happens in elections years and failed to connect with the population in issues of daily survival e.g epileptic electricity supply, fuel price hikes, inflation, new tax laws, water shortage, rising unemployment etc
-No real strategy towards a social struggle as it remained buried in liberation theology rather than developed a sustainable ideological philosophy.
Dear party leaders, if I gave you a brief panoramic view of the SDF above, it is because as I noted, it is the mother of the opposition in Cameroon. I am in no way downplaying nor complementing it. It is for you to see where the pothole was that the SDF tumbled into and to be able to dodge for the safety of your intention in creating a political party and to be able to dovetail your strategies towards a wind in future elections especially here in Cameroon where the electoral code is largely in favour of the ruling party.
Let me start by throwing a bird’s eye onto what the fundamentals of a strong and credible political party is supposed to be. From this, you will make your judgment and conclude for yourself if you founded your party for the wrong or right reasons. A credible opposition party makes for a healthy democracy in a Country. At its core, it provides checks and balances mechanism, ensuring that the ruling party doesn’t abuse its party. You must have already heard of the “Magufulization of politics”, an adjective coined from one of Africa’s one time exemplary leaders, John Magufuli of Tanzania (RIP). A term used to refer to the “sanctity of Politics”. Healthy politics is achieved through;
-Alternative policies and proposals - Scrutiny of government policies, and actions, holding them accountable for any mistakes or failures
- Strong leadership example (not criticizing government when you have same or worse faults)
- Clear policies, ideologies, and core followers
- Public engagement; engages with the public, media, youths, women, the church, groups in conflict zones, and civil society, ensuring that their voices are heard and concerns addressed
-Develop open and alternative succession policies as long stay at helm of party results in party “clientelism”, personality cult and the personification of power.
It is true majority of the over three hundred and seventy opposition parties in Cameroon do not meet even one third of the above tenets. It is also true that going from the past elections, the Cameroonian people have at least some few parties to hang on given the strength they exhibited as proof of popularity. It is to these that my open letter is mainly directed. Up to 2011, the SDF was considered as the second most popular party in Cameroon going by the electoral results. The presidential and parliamentary elections of 2018 and 2020 respectively brought forth a different narrative as some other parties notably; the Cameroon Renaissance Party of Mr Maurice Kamto (2018) and the PCRN of Mr Cabral Libii navigated their resilience to the frontline positions of second and third respectively overriding and flinging the one time indefatigable SDF to the fourth position. From these results, political observers contended themselves with the fact that a new wave of interest for politics in Cameroon has been birthed and there is need to mature it for future elections in order to face the “stiff standing” Cameroon People Democratic Movement (CPDM) of Mr Paul Biya in future elections.
I am very much aware of the past betrayals at the different attempts to partner in view of winning in the presidential elections in Cameroon since the 1990s. this is because there has never been true unity and coordination amongst you. A unified collation can pool resources, expertise, and support bases, thus increasing your chances of success. However, I must remind you that going into a coalition does not just happen with the click of the mouse, it is planned.
· Strategic planning is essential as the coalition must develop a clear, compelling vision and message that resonates with voters. This involves identifying key issues, crafting policies, and communicating them effectively to the electorate.
· Building a strong Grassroots Movement is vital. A strong network of supporters, volunteers, and activists can help spread the coalition’s message, mobilize voters, and provide critical support on election day. Cameroon opposition parties are built on regional bases; SDF (North west and south west regions as strongholds), PCRN (Sanaga Maritime), CRM (Baham and generally in west and part of littoral) UDC (Noun Division), UPC (Part of Littoral) etc. This is the reason why it is very difficult for a single Cameroon opposition party to win a national election in Cameroon; thus the need for a coalition.
· Leveraging Media and Technology can also be a game-changer. Utilizing social media, online platforms, and traditional media outlets can help the coalition reach a wider audience, counterbalance biased or CRTV state-controlled media, and get their message out to voters.
· Fostering International Support and Observation can provide critical legitimacy and scrutiny. Encouraging credible international election observers (not those bought over) and building relationships with foreign governments and organizations can help ensure a free and fair election.
· The coalition must also be prepared to address and counter electoral malpractices, such as voter suppression, gerrymandering and vote-buying.
· To do these, the opposition must be prepared to negotiate ell amongst themselves before going in for the alliance, come up with a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will help them to navigate the complexities of coalition governance.
More than ever before, I am glad to inform you that you have lots of centripetal forces in your support for a win at the presidential as follows;
The church has always been a fundamental backup that every individual or institution that wants to succeed, long for. You are not oblivious to the role church leaders have played in history in the change of political power, dislodging autocratic leaders. They may not be active and physical fighters, but their messages a sacrosanct and literarily obeyed. I will remind you of a few;
- In iran in 1979, Ayatollah, a shia cleric led the Islamic revolution that overthrew the authoritarian government of Mohammad Reza
- In Poland in 1980, the catholic church, polish Archbishop Jozef Glemp played a crucial role in the downfall of communist government. The church provided support and shelter to solidarity movement which collapsed the communism in Poland
- In the Philippines in 1986, catholic cardinal Jaime Sin, the archbishop of manila played a key role in the people power revolution that ousted president Ferdinand Marcos
- In east Germany (1989), protestant churches in East Germany particularly the evangelical church provided a platform for opposition to communist government. Church leaders like pastor Christian Fuhrer helped organized protest which contributed to the fall of the Berlin wall
- In Tunisia in 2011, Islamic scholars and leaders such as Rachid Ghanouchi played a proponderant role in the Tunisian revolution that overthrew president Zine Ben Ali
- In Myanmar in 2007, Buddhist monks led the Saffron Revolution against the military junta. Their call galvanized the opposition to action
- In Nicaragua in 1979, catholic priests and bishops led by Archbishop Miguel Obando played a key role in the overthrow of president Annastasio Somoza
These examples illustrate the significant impact that religious leaders can have in promoting democratic change and challenging authoritarian regimes.
Recently and ongoing in Cameroon, you are witnesses to the different support brought by the church leaders aimed at changing the political game in Cameroon, a few are cited below;
On December 25, 2024, Christmas Day, Monseignor KLEDA Samuel expressed on Radio France International (RFI) about the inappropriateness of president Paul Biya to stand again as the candidate for the next presidential election in Cameroon. Monsignor KLEDA is the cosmopolitan archbishop of the Douala archdiocese. Even though opinion seen as personal, it resonates of popular opinion from the numerous Christians of this archdiocese in which he is the chief shepherd. The bishop is certainly in agreement with you that it is “not realistic” for Mr Biya to run again for president given his age.
A few days later, pastor MVOMO Patrice Symeon aka “The son of the people and the Advisor of kings” re-echoed Monsignor KLEDA’s thoughts more explicitly and unambiguously saying; “Every man has the right to rest. After more than 63 years of service to the state. President Paul Biya is the longest serving public servant in the world. Sending a man of his age (93 years old) to govern a country like Cameroon is criminal. Any offender should be pumished for failing to assist a person in danger (Article 283 of the penal code)”
Monsignor YAOUDA Hourgo Barthelemy solemnly affirmed in his homily of Christmas Day 2024 that “Even the Devil, let him first take power in Cameroon; we will see later”. In this, he is radically rejecting the possible candidacy of president Paul Biya.
Many other similar examples from priests, pastors and Imams in their homilies abound, all citing the unappropriateness of Mr Biya’s candidacy for the next election abound. This is a golden opportunity for you to grab.
2- The Age of the president of the Republic
No one will live forever. The psalmists say that our lifespan is seventy and eighty for those who are strong. It was Cardinal Christian TUMI of blessed memory who usually said that; “When you are above eighty years, consider that you are already cheating on death”. Yes, the president of the Republic is already cheating on death. After serving the nations for over 63 years unabridged, it is but proper to hand the relay baton as we thank him for the service to the nation.
On the 4th of August last year 2024, Cardinal Jean Pierre Kutwa, the archbishop of Abidjan delivered a farewell speech as he went on retirement at the age of 75. He said in his speech;
“Il faut savoir partir »
« Lorsque l’on a épuisé’ son utilité’ la joyeuse acceptation de son inutilité’ est un service grandiose ;
Les éternels permanents finissent toujours par agacer et l’amour se transforme en haine. Il faut savoir partir”
Literarily translated as: “know when to go”
“when you have gone out of your usefulness, embracing your present un-usefulness with joy is a wonderful gesture. The eternalized leaders always finish in the drain and the love they once enjoyed suddenly transforms into hate. Know when to go.”
Cameroonians are thirsty for change. Needless to say that the utterances of the prelates in their different preaches aptly and succinctly translate the feelings and minds of the majority of the Cameroon population. I am inviting you to read the hand writing on the wall. As a civil society activist I live with the people, listen to them and record their yearnings, I can authoritative inform you that the Cameroon citizens need a coalition candidate to assure and prove to them your seriously to change the narrative. You are all witnesses to the historic massive registration on the electoral register; more than eight million registered voters now. This has never happened in the electoral history of Cameroon. This is because we the civil society assured them that you would not disappoint again this year 2025. I have been on media platforms, conducted vox pops, visited meeting houses, women and youth groups, and the popular call is for a unique opposition candidate.
Dear opposition party leaders, I didn’t intend to be too long, but from the little data I have presented to you, I hope you will listen to me. I am ending with a fervent appeal to you dear opposition leaders, that you for once leave self-gain for general interest, choose the ballot for the bullet. We need a peaceful Cameroon, I know you can play a fundamental role in bringing and maintaining peace in the restive Anglophone regions and in the Northern region of Cameroon, yes, it is possible, it is doable. Remember the chorus of our national anthem; “Land of Promise, land of Glory”; Do you Care? Then act and salvage Cameroon from completely drowning.
I am
A concerned Cameroonian
NDIMANCHO MIchael Tarche