Cameroon customs say intensifying physical control of goods through scans to limit smuggling

Customs officials in Cameroon have said they are adopting measures such as intensification of physical control of goods through scans and adoption of digitalized procedures, to limit smuggling. The revelation was made on January 26, during the celebration of the International Customs Day.
“Considering the increasing level of crime in soceity, the Cameroon customs have put in place measures to cut down on counterfeit or illegal goods by intensifying physical control through scans,” Tepong Elmes Enjoh a customs officer, told CNA.
She said “the world customs and Cameroon in particular, over the years, have undergone innovations, especially in digitalization with the creation of CAMCIS (Cameroon Customs Information System) that shortens the time needed to carry import and export procedures, while at the same time making customs duties and taxes more secure”.
Empowering the younger generation of customs officers was highlighted as a key objective, with regards to the theme “Nurturing the next generation: Promoting a culture of knowledge-sharing and professional pride in Customs”.
Tepong Elmes indicated that “we have seminars and workshops organized by the different customs sectors of the country. As such, we hope to have a dynamic and well equipped generation of customs officers”.`
Activities marking this year’s International Customs Day in Cameroon, took place in Yaounde at the Air Base 101.
A host of state officials were present, including the Minister of Finance Louis Paul Motaze who chaired the event, as well as the Director General of Customs, Edwin Fongod Nuvaga.
“The customs administration will be endowed with new structures. This includes the next construction of the headquarters of the North, North West and South sectors, 2 in Kribi, with a total cost estimated at FCFA 2 billion,” the customs boss announced.
Meritorious personnel were awarded certificates from the World Customs Organization, while others saw their grades raised.