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Head of ELECAM IT Department Killed In Bangem

Bangem, Cameroon- Friday February 02, 2018: 11: 49 PM Local Time(Cameroon Newsa Agency) Elie Roger Tchonang, the Chief of Information Technology department at the office of Elections Cameroon, ELECAM, in Bangem , Kupe Muanenguba division in the South West region has died Thursday February 1, following confrontation between Cameroons military and armed men fighting for the restoration of the State of Southern Cameroon, known today as ‘Federal Republic of Ambazonia.’
An ELECAM worker says he died after a stray bullet hit him on a bike while on his way back from the hospital where he went see off his boss.
Other sources say he was surprised in his office and killed following a series of killings in Bangem Thursday February 1.
Unconfirmed reports say some youths moved round Bangem eliminating those who have been brandished as traitors of the struggle( those who write names of others and hand to the administration for arrest)
Some administrators and chiefs have reportedly fled with their families .