Furius Bonadibong population, marched on streets denouncing land expropriation in Douala

Sons and daughters of Bonadibong in Douala have condemned the retrocession of their land to private individuals years after giving it to the state for public use
On Saturday August 6, 2022, the Inhabitants of Bonadibong in the Douala 1 council area marched to Bonadibong chiefdom in Akwa to demand answers from the traditional authority.
Men, women and youths all dressed in black carried placards in streets to express their discontent over the use of their land.
Some of the pplacards read:
“No to the spoliation of our ancestral land, unfulfilled public use, refund our land”.
The land in question is situated in the Douala 1 council area but had been given to the state to serve as headquarters of the railway company before 1990. Going by the people, their land had to be given back to them in 1990 when the deal ended.
Years later, pieces of the land were allegedly given to some state officials and private individuals for personal use.
It is however not the first time the people of Bonadibong have gone down to the streets to demand their land. In 2021, theh reminded the government of the deal to handover their land.
Land grabbing is becoming unbecoming in Douala. In most cases, residents are driven from their homes after the area is purchased by a business person.