C2DMC medical devices distributor: new bureau pledges improved productivity of organization

By Nambu Bernadette Franka
The new bureau of the Association of Cameroon’s Medical Devices Distributors (C2DMC), voted on August 24 in Yaounde by the organisation’s general Assembly have pledged to improve in the productivity of the organization.
According to the organization’s president, Kitou Ngavom Mariama, the new bureau will ensure that the distributors perform to professional standards.
Kitou Ngavom who was elected to a second term in her position as president of the organization stated: “I will love to thank the general assembly for once again having confidence in me as their president. We are going to make efforts to make these distributors uphold the standards demanded by the Ministry of Health. We will ensure that distributors are close to the sick” she said.
To Chrys Ebung Ewang, the director General of Premier Medical LTD, elected second vice president of C2DMC for a second term, they are encouraging many more operators in the distribution sector to get identified in order to help train, share vital information to be able to continue to deliver good quality medical equipment and services to health technicians all over the country.
“We will help distributors who identify themselves with us to respect norms, ethics, meet national and international standards and so qualify for the obtention of ministerial authorization because without authorization, you are not permitted to distribute medical equipment,” he stated.
He further siad “The importance of regrouping distributors and organizing this sector of activities can not be over emphasized given the fact that medicine today depends on technology and good medical equipment,”.
C2DMC is the association of distribution of medical devices in Cameroon, they distribute all what is needed in a health center or hospital to be able to treat patients.
The C2DMC also aims to promote the distribution sector of biomedical devices in Cameroon. Its vision is to bring together distributors of medical devices and to study and protect the rights, duties and interests, both individual and collective of its members.