Human Interest

Buea: Mixed forces arrest more than 70 youths in Bonakanda

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The Gendarmerie and Police Officers in Buea conducted mass arrest of youths in Bonakanda village, Buea subdivision. These youths were imprisoned at the Gendarmerie legion.

Buea, Cameroon – On the morning of Sunday, September 8, 2024, a concerning incident unfolded in Bonakanda Village, Buea, where gendarmerie and police officers conducted a mass arrest of local youths, including both males and females. The arrested individuals comprise secondary, primary, and university students, a group of youths reported.

Eyewitness reports indicate that the arrests were made without any apparent reason, leaving families and community members bewildered and distressed. Since the mass arrests, parents, relatives, and local community leaders have made various attempts to secure the release of the detained youths. However, they have been informed that each detainee is being held on a ransom of 500,000 FCFA, with no lawful grounds provided for the charges. Some residents also complained of gandarm officers collecting all the money they saw in their houses during the rade and refusing to return it amounting to 400,000frs

Attempts to reach influential figures for assistance have been met with frustration. Peter Mafany Musonge, a well-respected son of the land and a notable figure in Cameroon, was contacted regarding the situation but advised that the community should allow the authorities to handle the matter without interference.

The situation remains dire as the arrested youths continue to be held in custody without clear reasons or a timeline for their release. Families are growing increasingly anxious, and the community’s calls for justice and transparency have gone unacknowledged.

“As residents of Bonakanda Village continue to advocate for the release of their children, we seek the assistance of media outlets and bloggers to bring attention to this alarming situation. It is crucial that the stories of these youths are heard and that the authorities are held accountable for their actions.

We implore you to help us spread this message far and wide. The silence surrounding this matter is deafening, and our youths deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. The time for action is now; we must not allow this injustice to persist unnoticed.”

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