PAP Statement On The Violent Situation In South Africa

The Pan-African Parliament (PAP) has learnt with sadness and great dismay, the reports of acts of violence targeted at foreign African nationals in some parts of our sister country, South Africa.
The violence and tension are seemingly spreading into other parts of the Continent, leading into displacement of helpless people, damage and loss of property as well as sources of livelihoods; and ultimately the loss of precious lives of our fellow African citizens.
As the Representation of African People, the Pan-African Parliament condemns in the strongest terms, the attacks of Africans by fellow Africans. While calling for justice for the victims, the Continental Parliament calls for calm and dialogue in the most earnest way possible to iron out the tensions that have the potential of undermining peace efforts, drowning not only the economy of the affected countries but the whole continent.
The PAP wishes to convey deepest condolences to all families that have lost their beloved ones and extend sympathy to individuals affected in different ways. The PAP is also concerned about reports that the attacks have not only been directed at foreign nationals but also some citizens of South Africa.
PAP believes that the nature of the problem calls for all African Leaders to reflect on the real problems that affect ordinary citizens and that may spiral into uncontrollable revolt if not addressed and contained in time. These attacks have the potential to reverse all the gains made by the Continent to date and must be seriously addressed to avoid further damage.
The PAP advises Stakeholders to ensure that the source of the tensions is confronted as a matter of urgency and that permanent peace and stability are restored in the affected countries. PAP urges Citizens to uphold the tenets of Human Rights by continuously showing respect for human dignity, belief in human equality, as well as the appreciation of diversity, which is an asset that the rest of the world appreciates about Africa.
Finally, PAP welcomes all efforts by the Government of South Africa and different stakeholders towards halting the attacks and in providing humanitarian assistance to the victims.
The Rt.Hon. Roger Nkodo DANG
President of the Pan-African Parliament
For the BUREAU