Bishops say Cameroonians live in misery, charge Biya regime to do better

The nine-pager document sanctioning the end of the weeklong Bishops’ 48th annual conference held in Buea, South West region, enumerated certain lapses in the New Deal government of Paul Biya. They said bad governance and misery have hit Cameroon.
Over the last few years, and increasingly so in recent times, the anxieties of the vast majority of Cameroonians have turned into cries of despair in the face of the misery they are experiencing and the deterioration of our beautiful country, Cameroon.”
This has left everyone needing to survive through any means and they cannot stay calm, the bishops said in the release, “We cannot and must not ignore the crisis, the misery, hunger, destitution, unemployment, and, in some rural areas, real despair, all of which weigh heavily on the destiny, not only of the people in general but above all of the poorest, the weakest and the most destitute”

With just a few months to the presidential elections, the bishops believe that the future is uncertain for Cameroonians. “35 years after the alarm bells rang about the economic crisis and 65 years after independence, we continue to live in an economic and social stagnation, with an uncertain future.”
However, the bishops hope that a new Cameroon shall emerge where citizens will leave hatred, tribalism, insults, and backstabbing among others to embrace peaceful coexistence. They also blamed those telling lies and taking Cameroonians hostage to free themselves from such petit things and build Cameroon for Cameroonians.
The bishops called on citizens to take upon them their civic responsibility and work for the benefit of the nation.