Barrister Tamfu to challenge Maurice Kamto

Declaration of Candidacy for the Post of National President of the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon
My Dear Political Friends,
I would like to address today the base militants of my party, the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, which is again today the subject of current events because of the upheavals which agitate it. We can no longer hide that our party, as our country is hurting its democracy.
Rather than allowing ourselves to be submerged by fear and discouragement, we must wake up and take responsibility. The party is in danger, and as our dear compatriot Rigobert Song said, “When you know you are in danger, you are no longer in danger. It’s when you don’t know you’re in danger that you’re in danger.” It is therefore essential and urgent to be aware of the danger and to react.
As a committed Cameroonian citizen, I have always been at the forefront of difficulties and i always strive to overcome them, instead of trying to run away from them. This is what I did in 2018 when the renowned journalist Mimi Mefo was summoned by the justice system of our country. By taking the defense of Mimi Mefo who was prosecuted before the Military Court in Douala for facts of false news and others, I quickly understood that one must not be silent in the face of injustice. I did the same when Cameroonian citizens were arrested in relation to the Anglophone crisis as well as militants and sympathizers of the CRM during the various peaceful marches.
This is what made me take up the cause of Michèle Ndoki.
Today that she is no longer with us, we must return to the basics of our party: the Cameroon Renaissance Movement must once again become the symbol of hope for change for Cameroonians from all walks of life, the powerful machinery that stirred up the crowds and shooked the regime in 2018. That is why I have the honor and pleasure to announce to you my candidacy for the Office of National President of the CRM come December 2023 at its 3rd Ordinary Convention in view.
Thank you. Made in Douala, this 20th day of July 2023
Long live the Movement for the Renaissance of Cameroon.
Long live the Republic of Cameroon.
Signed Barrister TAMFU Richard
Militant of the CRM