Bangante: reckless riding kills two students during sports exams

Two students of Government High school (GHS) Bangante have died and one is seriously injured following an accident that occurred on Monday May 8th, 2023 at descente Lycée in Bangante in the Nde division of the West Region.
The students were all in the class of Première D according to reports.
We learn that during sports exams taking place on the school campus, the three students decided to use their free time for a ride. Eyewitnesses say the speeding bike carrying all three students, lost control and hit an electric poll during their ride as a result of recklessness and over-speeding.
“They were three of them on the bike and were joking while accelerating it. That is how they went and hit the poll there. The two who were in front hit their heads on the poll and passed away on the spot while the one who was behind survived,” a witness testified.
“As I was riding pass, I saw three bodies lying on the ground, and the passenger I had on my bike decided that we should carry the one who was injured,” a bike rider explained.
The bodies were taken to the Bangante district hospital mortuary while the injured whose condition was critical, was evacuated to the Bafoussam Regional Hospital for medical attention.
As a result of this accident, youths of the Sagnam neighborhood where the tragic incident occurred, decided to take immediate actions against overloading and over speeding which they say are the main causes of accidents on the road.
“We have decided to spot out stubborn bike riders who overload and who ride on high speed, especially those who overtake at wrong moments. A bike should have two persons and not more,” declared a youth.
Informed of the situation, elements of Bangangte Police Station descended to the site to open investigations. This incident comes in just days after another fatal accident occurred in Bangwa along the national number 4 road. The accident was the result of a collision between a bike and an inter-urban transport vehicle that led to two deaths.