Single And Searching? Delly’s Matchups, The First Pan African Dating Site, Can Help

By NFOR Hanson Nchanji
Cameroonian born, UK based Delly Singah Philips, has revolutionized relationship modules by bridging the gap between soul mates, who are worlds apart but just one screen tap away. Delly’s Matchups has come as a solution to many who before had to fly miles just to get a spouse back home. Today, all you need is to hook up with Delly Matchups and the deal is done.
The initiator told CNA’s Nfor Hanson Nchanji, on a phone interview that, ” Our Approach at Delly’s Matchups becomes the first dating site specifically for Africans at home and abroad. With a keen understanding on persons and personalities, cultures and environments, we are keen in vetting every profile that appears on our platform. Client membership is free as we believe that finding the right partner should not be costly.”
She added, “We also take pride to accompany every successful matches as they graduate from single-hood. We also take pride in providing our members with relationship counselling after they have been matched among many resources to enable our members live in and for love happily ever after.”
Why Delly’s Matchups?

Delly Singah, Philips is the architect of Delly’s Matchups . We asked her why she decided to venture into such a philanthropic gesture without any kicks, her response was simple and assuring, ” The world is becoming very much digitized and while the internet is making everything else easier – business, politics, religion etc, I saw an opportunity to also bring revolution in relationship modules. To bridge the rift between soul mates who are worlds apart but just one screen tap away. To ease the costly and sometimes vain quest of traveling home in search of spouse meanwhile we are all in this global village. At first, I noticed a trend of my friends privately reaching out to hook them up with my other friends. And sometimes knowing both parties – character, temperament, mindset and all, it occurs to me they will make a great match as soul mates. As some started leading to happy marriages, I came to a full consciousness that this is a GIFT, I have and need to explore. To use the platform and proximity social media offers, to create safe, lasting and happy relationships leading to marriage.”
Today, Delly’s Matchups is not only for her friends on Facebook or in her contact list, it is also for all Africans, especially those who who have been finding it difficult to get a spouse abroad. They do not need to travel home for any arrangements, they may only come for marriage ceremony.
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