Bamenda archdiocese ordains 13 priests

By Nukapuh P.
There was joy and celebration on April 13, 2023 as thirteen deacons were ordained into the Archdiocese of Bamenda. The event which took place at the Saint Joseph’s Cathedral Big Mankon was chaired by His Grace Andrew Nkea, ArchBishop of the Bamenda.
The solemn ceremony brought together various personalities in the Archdiocese and family members who witnessed the ordination of Terence Tanjong, Jean Marie, Humphrey Ndi, Jean Daniel, Clement Patrick and others.
Speaking during the ceremony, the Archbishop of Bamenda, Andrew Nkea told the newly ordained priests to work according to the words of God. He cautioned them not to commit sacrilege, so as to reflect where they taught. Archbishop Andrew Nkea also saluted their bravery to take up the task which has become a difficult one nowadays. He told them that they will face many challenges, but they should not be afraid because God will always be with them.
“Just be aware that the challenges are many, but the words of Jesus Christ after his resurrection are peace be with you. Don’t be afraid, the Lord who has called you would accompany you in your ministry. Remember that no matter the difficulties that come your ways, the gates of the underworld would never prevail against his church…”
The priests shall henceforth be in charge of confirmation, baptism, confession, marriage, holy communion and other duties in the church.
The Archbishop ended his speech by calling on the servants to always keep in mind that priesthood is not a job, where you work to earn money, but a place where God and his children are served.
After their ordination, some amongst the priests promised to take the words of the Archbishop serious and to work within the canons of the church.
The same ceremony took place at the Diocese of Kumbo, where eleven were ordained, three in the Diocese of Mamfe, and seven in the Diocese of Buea.