Bamenda Archbishop calls faithfuls to order, after alleged apparition of Mary

The head of the Bamenda Archdiocese has informed christians “that no one can, or is allowed to pronounce with certitude at this time, that the Blessed Virgin Mary is appearing in the said house in Ngomgham.”
His Grace Andrew Nkea in a pastoral letter to the local church on June 8, 2024 said the alleged apparition of Mary – believed to be the Mother of Jesus, in the house of a member of the All Angels Small Christian Community, in the Immaculate Conception Parish Ngomgham, Madam Dorothy Enow Manyor needs “thorough discernment”.
The alleged appearance on June 6, has attracted thousands of christians and non christians alike to the site, the prelate said. He informed the general public that only the competent Ecclesiastical Authorities as stipulated by the Norm of the Holy See of May 17, 2024 can be sure of the phenomena.
Archbishop Nkea urged christians to only make use of their parish houses and church shrines for prayers until this investigations are done. He as well affirmed that the household alleged for the apparition have a right to their privacy.