Parents in Formayum angry head master forces their children to farm

Angry parents have invaded Government Bilingual Primary School Formayum in the Koung_Khi division, west region of Cameroon. This occured in the early hours of January 16 2023.
The parents among other issues decry the absence of teachers in the institution.
“On day one of second term resumption, the children came to school but they were sent back home by the head master. He, the head master, sent us a letter inviting us to the school campus but arriving the school today morning, we have been waiting for hours but the head master did not show up,” a parent complained.
“We want the head master to explain to us why our children are not schooling and how it is possible for 2 teachers to teach 6 classrooms! The school needs teachers,” another parent said.
Other parents are upset that their kids have become farm workers:
“When my child comes home, he would tell me they had no classes and what angers me more is the fact that they are sent to farm to fetch firewood, plantain and bitter leaves by teachers,” Flore Toucham says.
The parents say they have been waiting for government intervention but till now nothing has been done. The head master of the school is under severe pressure from the parents demanding answers to so many questions which he says he has no answers to but is ready to face the consequences. These parents have promised to return to the school everyday until their questions are answered and worries cleared.
“A majority of us did not go to school not because we did not want to but because we lacked the privilege to. Our parents could not afford all the things we can afford for our kids today and we know the importance of education so it is normal for us to worry. We work so hard so our kids can make a difference and not go to school to be sent to the farm or back home,” Ngemni Peters, a parent explains.
The head master has refused to say a word on the issue and local authorities are yet to resolve the issue.