Ayaba Calls On Cameroonians To Overthrow Paul Biya

Cameroonians must understand that it is time for them to rise up and overthrow the regime-Ayaba Cho
The leader of the Ambazonia Governing Council, Dr Cho Ayaba on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, has urged Cameroonians to rise and overthrow the Biya regime and put in place a democratic system, adding that Ambazonians will help them by supporting a progressive leadership that will also recognise the independence of the former British colony.
“Africans are rising up! Ambazonians have been fighting for the past five years…Cameroonians cannot sit back and watch their country hijack by old gangsters, armed robbers whose sole responsibility is to rob them of their resources, governing with impunity, lack of accountability for almost, more than half a century… Cameroonians must emulate the example of Chad, rise like Biafrans…Ambazonia will be in a place to support progressive Cameroon leadership that will recognise the independence of Ambazonia…” he said in a message broadcast on the pro-AGovC online channel, Ambazonia Communication Network, ACN.
On the Biafran case, he said “We have also been observing the political wranglings within Nigeria…every people have the right to self-determination and to establish within their own nations political systems that reflect their own contextual reality and work primarily for their benefits… that is why Nigeria must understand that the agitation within Biafra must be factored in any policy development or formulation and to engage with the Biafrans to ensure that they can determine the kind of political system they want for themselves.”
The northwest and southwest regions of Cameroon have been at war for five years since 2016, against Cameroon armed forces. They are fighting to restore the independence of the former British Southern Cameroons, now preferred as Ambazonia.