At least 3 armed separatist fighters killed in Bafut

By Nukapuh P.
Cameroonian soldiers have killed at least three separatist fighters in Nforyah, a village in Bafut subdivision, Mezam division in the North West region.
The armed separatists were tracked and gunned down early Wednesday April 5, 2023 at a junction, where they were extorting money from some truck drivers who were transporting sand.
They were killed and their bodies displayed at the junction by soldiers, as a way of coercing other separatists to drop their weapons.
However, we can not confirm as at the time of writing this article if any state soldier was killed or wounded during the attack.
Locals in the area confirmed that the group has been giving them sleepless nights, kidnapping and demanding money from them. We also gathered that the same group recently imposed a tax on shop owners and some business premises were shutdown because owners failed to comply with them.
Bafut is noted as one of the red zones in the North West region, where many notorious separatist fighters have been living since the start of the armed conflict in 2016.
The government of Cameroon has on several occasions called on the separatist fighters to drop their weapons and join the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, DDR centre.
Read also: Another Cameroonian sentenced to 5 years in prison for sending firearms to separatist fighters