Transitional council for professional football demands F CFA 350 million from FECAFOOT

The transitional council for professional football, CTFP, in a letter dated June 21st and addressed to the president of the Cameroon Football Federation, FECAFOOT, has requested that the amount of F CFA 350 million be paid into their account.
This money, they mention, is a subvention from the state paid by the Prime Minister and aimed at facilitating the organization of local competitions. It is also for the smooth functioning of the CTFP. It is mentioned that this amount was paid directly to the FECAFOOT accounts following two meetings and letters to the head of government.

This was done because the Professional Football League had been replaced by the CTFP and so had no legal recognized account yet and so the federation had to use its accounts to receive the money.
Pierre Semengue, head of the CTFP does not fail to mention that the council is facing difficulty in paying rent at the building it occupies and so urgently needs the said amount for its smooth functioning in the shortest time frame.