Anglophone conflict: Civilians, pregnant women should be targeted to gain international attention- Sama Thomas

While on a Live Facebook show broadcast over a separatist channel on September 18, 2022, the spokesperson of the Mankon-based, Batubu Kwifo armed group, Sama Thomas, said Separatist fighters should forget about international conventions and target civilians.
“Southern Cameroonians, especially the fighters on the ground, when you are fighting, please, keep aside anything called international convention that might come after you tomorrow.” the Belgium resident said.
If it is to kill La Republican citizens ( referring to Francophones in Cameroon) and even kill pregnant women, let there be one million, kill them…if it is to massacre them for a day, 50,000, do just that, that is what is going to attract international attention and action.” He ordered.
The Batubu Kwifor spokesperson continued, that by killing civilians and targeting pregnant women, the international community will send troops to create buffer zones.
Two years after this declaration, the man who now runs a Facebook page called Amba News Line, formerly a page that was named Batubu Kwifor, has not stopped pushing the separatist fighters to target civilians.
In a new twist, he has started targeting English-speaking journalists in Cameroon, as a way to compel them to report in favor of the separatists. He now targets their private lives and tarnishes their images with fake narratives. He also announced that he would write their employers to sack them.