Amba fighters killed in Meme division

The mortal remains of two separatist fighters have been put on display in the city of Kumba, Meme division, South west region of Cameroon after they were killed by elements of the Rapid Intervention Battalion (BIR) this June 8th 2022.
According to sources in the army, these are the remains of self-proclaimed general Deco and another fighter who graded himself colonel.

They further explain that these two men were known for causing fear in the community and are accused of murdering over 39 people including pregnant women who were reportedly buried alive for various reasons. They are also accused of ambushing military vehicles and attacking a BIR camp situated in Mambanda, Kumba III sudvision. According to local sources, they were equally known for extorting money from travelers making movement difficult for them.

This is happening on a day Cameroonian state armed forces are mourning the death of 9 of their colleagues who were attacked and killed by non-state armed forces in Njuptapon. Read more about the Njuptapon attack here