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Allegations of Complicity With Any Actor in a Conflict Puts Patients and MSF Staff in Grave and Immediate Danger- MSF

The Doctors Without Borders, DWB-MSF has said they are neutral and have never aligned with any actor in the ongoing armed conflict in the Anglophone regions.

The NGO in a release shortly after it was accused of transporting injured Ambazonia separatists forces in Nguti, said,

“We appeal to everyone to be responsible in their statements and publications relating to our humanitarian action in the country. The spread of information that damages our reputation as a neutral, impartial, and independent humanitarian organization puts the lives of our teams and patients in an already very sensitive context in danger.”

“General Moving Star” in MSF bed

The Ministry of Defense through the Communication Director said the Non-Governmental Organisation’s activities in conflict regions be reviewed in Cameroon MINDEF Recommends Review of MSF Presence in Cameroon Conflict Regions – Cameroon News Agency

But MSF has reiterated its neutrality and outlined its longtime services rendered in Cameroon since 1985.

In our work in Cameroon, and elsewhere in the world, MSF treats people based on medical need, regardless of their background or affiliations. This impartial and neutral medical humanitarian work is notably protected by the Geneva Conventions, which specify that persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed hors de combat by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, color, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria

According to the MSF, they had contacted the Government forces to inform them that they were transporting a wounded person to Mutengene for medical attention but were stopped and asked to return to Manyu Division.

“As agreed and regularly done, MSF had contacted the local military authorities beforehand,
informed them about the transfer of a wounded patient to Mutengene and shared his age and
gender as requested. The ambulance was however stopped by Cameroonian security forces at
the Nguti checkpoint and forced to return to Mamfe, where the patient had to be treated and

MINDEF said in a release that this process was not followed.

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