North West: 2023 good and bad report card of mayors unveiled

North West mayors and council services of good and bad faith for the year 2023 have been exposed.
This was done by the Public Independent Conciliator, PIC for the North West region on March 5, 2023. It was during the publication of its 2023 annual activity report in front of the media.
According to Tamfu Simon, PIC for the North West region, the report is a cumulation of activities of all 34 councils and their mayors, carried out by his office in 2023.
The report outrightly grades some mayors and councils as good, average, and poor.
- Extortion: Wum council 58%, Ndop Council 57%, Kumbo Council 54%.
- Bribery and corruption: Wum Council 86%, Njinikom Council 70%, Bamenda II council 63%.
- Misappropriation/mismanagement of resources: Njinikom council 60%, Zhoa council 45%, Misaje council 39%.
- Unfair taxation: Ako Council 83%, Elak council 57%, Ndop council 57%.
- Harassment by council workers: Ako Council 52%, Furu-Awa council 41%, Njinikom council 40%.
- Trespass to land/property: Furu-Awa council 46%, Andek council 38%, Bamenda I council 32%.
- Impoliteness/inattention: Nkor council 44%, Furu-Awa council 41%, Nwa council 37%.
- Unethical practices: Mbengwi and Misaje council lead with 40% each.
Tamfu revealed that this report and other activities have been forwarded to the Head of State, as they await a reply.
The office of the Public Independent Conciliator was created in 2020 as part of the special status offered to the North West and South West regions. The PIC is an independent and impartial authority mandated to address issues, abuses, and conflicts arising from the functioning of local authorities and decentralized entities.