Fraud, Forgery, Illegality Characterized Cameroon Presidential Polls-Ayah Paul Abine

Retired Attorney General at the supreme court, Chief Justice Ayah Paul Abine, has said the October 7 Presidential Polls were organized in illegality and that the process was marred by massive fraud in favor of incumbent,Paul Biya.
On his official Facebook page, Chief Justice Ayah Paul Abine explains how plans to manipulate the polling process began with the appointment of Territorial Adninstration Minister, Paul Atanga Nji and his subsequent maneuvers.
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Upon his appointment, some Camerouoonianese held himself out as “the minster of elections”. He later prided himself on his ability to organize the best free, fair and transparent election ever. One must hasten to say that it has all turned out to be a paradox – without saying, an irony. In actual fact, the minister’s pronouncements were only the papering-over of FRAUD and FORGERY out of all proportions.
We propose to start with stark illegality. The electoral code is unambiguous that no polling station should exceed five hundred (500) voters. But in characteristic fraud and forgery, have they informed the world with effrontery that some 600 people cast their votes in Widikum as in Balikumbat. Quite apart from the naked illegality, it is a notorious fact that the inhabitants of those areas, as in most parts of English Cameroon, NEVER voted, having fled the areas for their safety. And much as the new-fangled phrase, “polling centres”, has been recurrent, I must confess that, for all that has been my lot to read, I am still to chance on any provision in the electoral code that permits the creation of any such thing as “polling centres”. All in all, virtually all electoral operations in English Cameroon smack of illegality; and a reasonable court would not hesitate to disallow/discard them.
Again, if there are about 25.000 polling stations across Camerouoon, and the amount of just 2.000 francs is given to one representative at every one polling stations for fares on the day of the polls, the sum of 50 million is required for 25.000 persons. Now, the state gave each candidate just 15 million before the polls. This is less than a third of the total amount needed for a candidate to be represented at every polling station by one person. This makes it impossible even for political parties to secure such representation. Much less can an individual, let alone an individual that does not have any vested (personal) interest.
How come, then, that the journalist, Guibaï Gatama, as an individual, did afford to send the so-called ‘one-day observers’ to polling stations across the country? And the all-time big question is: what interest did Guibaï Gatama have to invest 50 million in a non-profit-making election in which he was not a candidate? And flowing from that is another big question: could such a huge sum of money, recklessly thrown to the dogs, have been Guibaï Gatama’s honest earnings?
To say the least, the foregoing crucial questions require thorough investigation! To put it in the right perspectives, not so long ago, Guibaï Gatama was at odds with the government over his reporting on the extra-judicial killings in the Far North. How possible it is that the very man could, all of a sudden, have become a “friend” of the very government to the extent of becoming a spend-thrift is very highly suspicious. One must say this with vehemence all the more because a post has been published on the internet accusing Guibaï Gatama of doctoring the scores of polling stations in the ‘Grand Nord’ in favour of the ruling party. At least one person gave vent to anger to the point of promising him death, insisting that, they of the ‘Grand Nord’, voted the opposition. In the furtherance of his apparent sordid designs, however, Guibaï Gatama has only gone ahead to publish today as a lead story in his paper, L’oeil du Sahel, how the ‘Grand Nord’ is awaiting the results of the election in quiet confidence: of course, by necessary implication, unperturbed confidence because of the job he has done there! A confession as it were!
One should be courageous enough to assert that fraud and forgery have been perpetrated just everywhere in this election! Days before the polls, Mr. Minister decided that the election was too transparent for foreign election observers to be invited. Yet did Mr. Minister’s government, contradictorily, get into a FRAUDULENT arrangement with some three fictitious individuals to pose as representatives of Transparency International. That is, of course, consistent with the notorious fact that, when carried away and blinded by a cloudy conscience, one is ever inhibited from viewing a situation in the broader perspective. How feasible it is for three individuals to efficiently/ably observe election in just Yaounde alone is only within the fertile roguish imagination of the honest “minister of elections”. But they were, nevertheless, with the complicity of the criminals in CRTV, schooled to declare how the election has been the best ever all over Camerouoon.
Nor would any person, imbued with only streaks of honesty, have sought for refuge under the very Transparency International banned from Camerouoon sometime past. Their criminal attempt to impersonate the very organization they had accused of hostilities against the country in a bid to dress up their vaunted transparency has now backfired. In the final analysis, the very rogues who have ever cried out against imaginary persons for tarnishing the image of Camerouoon on the international scene have not just done what they have been condemning: they have destroyed the image irreparably!
Other examples abound. But, for brevity, further illustrations would be in unnecessary superfluity. One can only permit oneself to cast a look at the masterminds and/or accomplices of the present monumental electoral FRAUD and FORGERY. We are all living witnesses that the two most vociferous ministers banking on such terms as ‘destabilisation, manipulation, hostilities a l’état…’ to cover up their notorious reprehensible conduct are both ex-convicts. A criminal remains a criminal. Things never could have been otherwise? No-one uses sugar and expects bitterness as the resultant taste.
CAVEAT! Those in silent approbation, both above or below, may wish to know that they shall be ESTOPPED tomorrow from denying aiding and abating…
The ultimate casualty/loser, though, is the people/nation, with DEVELOPMENT as the sacrificial lamb!