Accused of causing CPDM division, Manaouda Malachi responds

Public health minister Manaouda Malachi has responded to accusations levied against him by Zacharie Perevet. These include causing division within the CPDM political party, intimidation, threats and a general lack of attention towards the party objectives.
In a letter dated June 27th and addressed to the secretary general of the CPODM central committee, Manaouda Malachie expresses disappointment at the accusations and goes ahead to explain what according to him, prompted his actions in the Mayo Tsanaga division. He explains that Mokolo has been the target of several Boko haram attacks in the past weeks prompting a protest march by the people at the divisional office as well as the Governor’s office. It is in an attempt to reassure the population that he explains he went to Mokolo and was fortunately able to accomplish his mission.
He further explains that Mokolo sub division constitutes a great portion of CPDM supporters and it is with this in mind that he associated party members to his initiative in order to convince the people that they are a priority to the ruling CPDM. He concludes by re-emphasizing his unconditional love and support for his political party.

Mokolo situated in the Far North region has no good roads, schools or great health care facilities. Coupled to these, incessant Boko Haram insurgencies in the area have led to loss of human lives as well as property among others.