
Five rules of public etiquette Cameroonians need to apply more

By Hans Ngala

• Not Speaking Over Open Food

Many Cameroonian food sellers sell food by the roadside in (often) unsanitary conditions. Things like cooked chicken, pork, smoked fish or puff-puff are often placed on a tray where customers stand and point or even touch the food with unwashed hands while talking over it. The danger of hair, droplets of spit or dust and other things falling into the food are all real. While it would be best if food vendors could cover the food with clean plastics or place it behind a glass cupboard, customers should also be conscious and avoid talking over open food. Wear a face mask and not touch food with their hands especially if they will not end up buying it. This prevents contamination.

• Being Loud on the Phone Without Headphone.

Many Cameroonians have the habit of listening to music, watching TikTok or YouTube videos on their phones in public without wearing headphones. This is rude and inconsiderate because when you are in public, you ought to respect the privacy of others. On VIP buses and on planes, passengers are often given their headphones for this purpose. Watching videos on your phone, especially with the volume cranked up shows you have bad manners or lack home training because someone by you could be having a headache, needing to rest or just wants some peace and yet you bombard them with your noise.

• Talking With a Full Mouth and Not Wiping their Lips

Have you ever looked at someone eating okro soup, achu or eru with oil all over their mouths? Imagine if they had a beard and the okro was tangled all over their beard, would that make you feel like eating at all? Obviously not, it is disgusting. When you sit down to eat at a restaurant, it is good to ask for a tissue so that as you eat, you can wipe your mouth. It is disgusting to be talking with your mouth full and someone sees the food you have chewed, especially if you’re in a restaurant.

• Men Urinating and Exposing their ‘Weapons’ to Everyone

Some Cameroonian men have no manners whatsoever and they pull out their manhoods and urinate wherever nature comes calling. This is filthy behaviour. While it is true that you may feel the urge to urinate at some point in a place where there is no toilet or bathroom to use but as much as possible, try not to expose your penis to the world. Children and women are not supposed to see your privacy just because nature called. You should have some decorum and self-respect at least!

• Following the Queue in Offices, Banks, Bus Stations etc

I have been in Ghana, South Africa and Israel and one thing I admired in these places is how people are corteous and respectful to one another. Whether they’re in a bank, an office, a train station etc, everyone respects the line and no one jumps to the front because they know the manager or because they are “a big man”. Cameroonians need to learn such decorum and avoid always causing chaos in public by disrespecting the line because they are “friends with the boss”.


• Making U-turns in the Middle of the Road Instead of the Roundabout

Another habit Cameroonians make, is making a U-turn with their cars in the middle of the road. Most Cameroonian drivers be they bike riders or car drivers, often disrespect driving codes and this has led to disastrous accidents in some cases. This should be greatly discouraged and each driver ought to take personal responsibility by avoiding this.

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