
Government promises sanctions against attackers of minister Mounouna Foutsou in Belgium

The Cameroon government has announced sanctions against the group that attacked the Minister of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, Mounouna Foutsou, in Belgium. In a statement released today, March 4, Minister of Communication and government spokesperson Renne Emmanuel Sadi condemned the acts of violence as irresponsible and barbaric.

Minister Sadi detailed that there were two attacks targeting Minister Mounouna Foutsou. The first occurred on the evening of February 28, 2025, while he was presiding over the closing ceremony of Youth Month. This event brought together numerous young Cameroonians from the diaspora and other participants.

” A small group of Cameroonians claiming to belong to the Anti-Sardinard Brigade, known in its French acronym as (BAS), such as a gang of terrorists, stormed the Claridge Hotel room to disrupt the ceremony, using unprecedented violence and brutality.” the release stated. The second incident took place on March 3, 2025, just as the minister was about to leave his residence for Cameroon. During this attack, both the minister and the Cameroonian Ambassador to Belgium were again brutally assaulted by the same group.

“Such behaviour on a strange land, perpetrated against the officials of the country they claim to belong, was quite appalling, intolerable, and can in no way be justified.”  Sadi emphasised, urging Cameroonians, particularly those in the diaspora, to act responsibly.

The government release also reminded that Cameroon is a democracy governed by the rule of law, where no one has the right to take justice into their own hands. It further noted that Institutional changes must occur through authorised channels and not through violence, but rather through the ballot box.

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