Human Interest

Five Taxis torched in Bamenda amidst rising tensions

Bamenda, Cameroon (CNA)– Five taxis were destroyed in an arson attack on Che Street in Ntarinkon, Bamenda II subdivision, last night. According to eyewitnesses, the fire was ignited by unidentified gunmen. The blaze was reportedly contained thanks to the swift intervention of local residents.

The incident comes amid growing tensions in the region. Armed separatists have been enforcing a mandate for taxi drivers to repaint their vehicles white and blue, a directive met with resistance from some drivers and harsh responses from security forces.

This is the third time Taxis have been targeted with fire and all hands are pointing at the AMbazonia Defense Forces that started the campaign for Taxis to be painted with either White or Blue or both.

Drivers who are mostly touched have planned to protest in the city.

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