
Exposed: Bang Bullet’s downfall was a planned scheme

In what was supposed to be an exciting and competitive semi-final match in the Northwest Mini Interpools, things took an unexpected turn, with the game between Bang Bullet and Option Sports Academy.

The Semi final encounter Played out to a 0-0 draw till the 90th minute then the referee added seven minutes of extra time but the game eventually ended the additional time.

Then, a penalty was awarded in favor of Option Sports Academy. Reacting to this, fans invaded the pitch and interrupted the game then Bang Bullet refused to proceed with the match.

Upon investigation by CNA, it was discovered that the referee appointment commission had named officials to officiate the game, but the officiating team was later changed by the Fecafoot Bureau.

The team appointed by the referee appointment committee comprised

Référée: Asangwa Abenwie
1st assistant :Adanakie Edwin
2nd assistant: Fru Desmond
4th official : Fontoh Theresia

The match was eventually officiated by

Référée: Muh Divine
1st assistant: Cho Gerald
2nd assistant: Sunjo Eric
4th official: Asangwa Abenwie.

Later, the disciplinary and Homologation committee gave their verdict, declaring Option Sports Academy as the winner of the second-leg semi-final match and relegating Bang Bullet FC to the Nkambe sub-divisional league.

Additionally, Mr. Bang Johnson, the President of Bang Bullet FC, was suspended for five years and also fined 5 million FCFA for his role in the situation.

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