Press Review

CNA Buea correspondent awarded for newspaper management

Nchendzengang Tatah, 20, Cameroon News Agency regional correspondent in Buea, South West has been awarded for his skills and dedication to the print journalism in the UB campus newspaper, Chariot and other national papers.

He was bestowed the award for Newspaper Writing and Management during celebrations marking the 29th Association of Student Journalists’ of the University, ASJUB Open Day, June 14, 2024.

The ASJUB Open Day is a unique day set aside in the department of Journalism and Mass Communication (JMC) to recognize and celebrate the talents and skills of it’s members, as the pioneer professional association of the University of Buea.

Nchendzengang Tatah being a final year student of JMC who is in the last months of the three year training has risen through the ranks of reporter, desk editor, to editor-in-chief of the Campus Newspaper, The Chariot.

He also features articles for national tabloids like the Municipal Updates Daily newspaper. The young enginous talent dedicates the award to his Grand mother, Atanga Rebecca Bih now of blessed memory, for “embedding in me the spirit of hardwork, resilience and patience.”

Dr. Bisong Divine chairing the ceremony on behalf of the JMC Head of Department, said the event was one of the signature activities which are carried out to expose and intergrate the students into the rest of the professional world.

Nche Buzie as he is widely known, together with journalistic writing for online news platforms, runs the online entertainment show, RUN OFF and serves as editor at the University of Buea Chariot Radio.

The young news man says he is committed to writing transformative stories which build communities, exposes insights and which empower the local man.

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