PC Kumba Saga: 14 Congregational groups lay down conditions for peace

By Shanta Sih
Despite a Synod Executive Committe resolutions calling for resumption of activities at the Presbyterian Church Kumba, 14 groups have rkected three September 24, 2022 letter.
PC Kumba town congregation has been going through the valley of the shadow of death.
All attempts to solving these problems have been fruitless, culminating in the closure of the Church by the SDO of Meme in the South West region.
On the 24th of September, the congregation recieved a letter from the synod exco commitee mapping out the way forward. But they were not satisfied, reasons why on September 29, some 14 groups making up the entire Christians sent a feedback letter to the Moderator of the PCC, the Synod clerk, financial secretary and to the synod executive commitee.
The groups expressed their disappointments and dissatisfaction in relation to the decision arrived at by the synod committee. “We have received the resolutions of the synod exco commitee dated 24th September, 2022 but regret to say that issues put farward by the Christians of PC Kumba town have not been fully adressed” part of their response read.
Grievance with the letter
They accused the PC Kumba Parish Pastor of misleading the synod Commitee on the issue of the vice chairperson of the congregation.Elder Mbita Jerome is not and has never been vice chairperson of PC kumba town, the reiterated.
The vice chair person is elder Kome John who was not invited to account for issues mentioned against the vice chairperson.
The synod investigative committee willfully regused to contact those mentioned in the report to have recieved money from the chair person to confirm whether they recieved such monies.
Selecting those to appear before the investigative committee was tantamount to witch hunting and victimisation.
A commission was set up by Rev.Mary Wose to see into the allegations against the chairperson .
During an extra ordinary congressional meeting summoned by the Pastors on the 14th of August 2022, it was resolved that the chairperson be reinstated.
These christians equally compained about a wedding hijacked from the church and held at Elongo Gardens hotel without the consent of the session and collected monies late coming fine,session entertainment fine,wedding offering and thanks giving offering.
Fund raising during memorial service organised by CMF groups for all its late members in the congregation amounting to 300,000frs was collected by the pastor and no account has been rendered.
Offering collected during CYF zonal come together 2022 was collected by Rev.Tambi Vetin and nothing has been said about the money.
Money raised for praise band uniforms by the congregation was collected by the pastor with no account till date.
50% come together offering for the Zonal CMF come together 2022 collected by the pastor missing
Money raised for VP uniforms was collected by the pastor.
Sum of 100,000frs raised by the congregation for the purchase of equipments for the praise band was collected by the pastor till date no account
“With all these allegations,can the Rev Fonki Samuel and the synod exco commitee conveniently say that the pastors are not guilty?let the synod committee also provide that our claims and our finance committee have failed in their primary duties”
Conditions for peace to return
The ousted chairperson Elder Ekele Comfort be reinstated
No new elections will be conducted until the expiry of the present mandate for elders and finance committee
An offical letter of apology be sent to Elder Nkele Comfort ,Elder Jerome,Elder Sone Kingsley abd Mme Ndeme Frida for wrongful accusations and defamation of character.