My son Marc Vivien Foe was poisoned- Martin Foe

The father of the later Indomitable Lion, has been in the news the past week, accusing the wife of son, Marie Louis Foe of squandering and emptying the bank accounts of Foe.
Martin Amougou Foe did not end there. Invited on Vision 4 television channel, he accused Marie Louis of killing the midfielder.
“My son did not die of football, he had trained well the previous day and was in perfect condition. But after he ate a midnight food prepared by his wife that he began to feel uneasy. He had instant diarrhoea that the team’s doctor could not understand “
Martin Amougou Foe also claimed that the wife of his late son, Marie Louis Foe had no love for her husband and has never cleaned his grave.
Since such accusations started against the lady, she has not reacted yet.
But why wait until 19 years after before making such revelations?
Social media users are wondering what could have triggered such outings. If the family wanted justice for their son, couldn’t it have been good to denounce early enough to judicial Police for investigation?