CGCE Board Release 2021 Results-Details Inside

The Cameroon General Certificate of Education Board, CGCE has released results of both General and Technical of the 2021 session of examination. The announcement was made on national media, CRTV on Saturday afternoon August 21, 2021.
The Board Chairman of the GCE, professor Ivo Leke Tambo, said “I am impressed with the work that has been done this year, We are publishing the results one week before, as compared to last year. There have been about 16000 increase this year in numbers showing that the confidence in this year’s exams shows that there is an improvement.”
“No examination session resembles the other one, every time we have to introduce innovation. This year only GCE Board staff could handle papers this year. We also introduced marking sessions in Limbe and Buea, rotating examiners.” The Registrar, Dang Akuh Dominic, told state media.
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