8 CRTV Workers Join Their Former Boss In Jail

Yaounde,Cameroon-Tuesday February 27, 2018- 8:30 PM Local Time (Cameroon News Agency) The former General Manager of Cameroon Radio Television, CRTV, Amadou Valmoulke will not be standing trial alone , after the first charges which earned him a place in prison, he was recently indicted alongside some of his associates for financial operations deemed questionable about the acquisition of the rights of re-transmission of matches and the purchase of fuel coupons.
While the trial against Amadou Vamoulké is taking its gradually taking place, the former GM of the Cameroon Radio Television ,CRTV, has just been charged with embezzlement of FCFA 25 billion According to the weekly Kalara specialized in Judicial reporting, Mr Vamloulke was joined by eight officials of CRTV, Friday, February 23, 2018, who were also indicted by the Special Criminal Court (TCS) and put under arrest warrant the Yaoundé-Kondengui Central Prison as part of this case.
The newspaper reports that the motive evoked, is ” co-misappropriation of public funds ” with the former General Manager of the CRTV, Amadou Vamoulké Madeouna III, in custody since July 29, 2016 in the same penitentiary of Kondengui in Yaounde.
They are named Abate Thomas Magloire, Bela Epouse Bassaliag Marie Laurence, Moudiki Mbango Catherine Désirée, Mohaman Sani, Belinga Gabriel, Kouotouo Mama, Ngantchong Mboutchemi Patrick, Passa Florence Horpa Epouse Horpa. They were sent to jail for pretrial detention after a brief hearing that took place at the TCS last Friday.
According to the newspaper, the accused are indeed suspected of indecisiveness committed through the process of buying fuels and communication credits for the needs of the public structure on the one hand; and the acquisition of the broadcasting rights of certain international sports competitions, on the other hand. Among other events cited in the context of this case, the broadcasting rights of some games of the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon, which allowed to detect these diversions. If we stick to the audit report produced by the accounting experts of BBI Advisory and Audit, it is clearly demonstrated that the former GM of CRTV proceeded with money laundering. Amadou Vamoulké, who so far denies having diverted the sum of 3 billion FCFA, subject of his first trial still in progress.