5 family members perish in house fire

3 of the deceased people were children. The macabre scene unfolded in the locality of Ntiou, 28 km from Yokadouma in the Boumba et Ngoko division. A man known in the Mpou – Mpong neighborhood as a local fuel seller had kept his stock at home as usual most probably unaware of the great risk involved.
Reports say he had served a client and had unfortunately forgotten to close the gallon he had used. His pregnant and children were playing around a hearth when things suddenly took a turn for the worst. The highly combustible liquid caught fire as a result of the heat causing an explosion.
Despite help from neighbors, the father could not save his wife and children. All five thus perished in the fire. In an attempt to rescue his family, the father of the home sustained third degree burns on 80% of his body and is currently in a comma.
The burned victims of the fire have been buried and investigations have been ordered by authorities.