4300 Cameroonian pilgrims expected in Mecca after a two – year absence

4300 Cameroonians will be part of the 1 million pilgrims from around the world to take part in this year’s pilgrimage to Mecca.
After a two year suspension due to the Covid19 pandemic, the minister of territorial administration has disclosed that Cameroon will once again take part in the yearly religious exercise with specific requirements.
Participants must be below 65 years of age, must have taken a Covid19 vaccine, show proof of a Covid19 negative test result and a medical certificate to proof fitness before being accepted. For the 2022 exercise, 4 to 5 persons will share the same hotel room and 44 people will be assigned to one supervisor.

Over the years, the price of the package to take part in the Hajj for Cameroonians has decreased. In 2016, participants disbursed millions of F CFA for the religious experience but nowadays, F CFA 94.000 is the approximate expenditure.
The Muslim calendar states that the Hajj 2022 begins in the evening of Thursday July 7 and ends in the evening of Tuesday July 12.
It is recommended by the Koran that every Muslim goes on pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their life.