
2025 presidential elections: ADE tips journalist on investigative, responsible reporting

Months to the 2025 presidential elections in Cameroon, the Action for Development and Empowerment (ADE) in collaboration with Community Solutions Media (CSM) drilled 20 journalists and bloggers from across the country on responsible reporting.

This was during a three day training in Yaoundé beginning January 30, 2025. The workshop sponsored by the UK in Cameroon sought to upskill communicators with necessary knowledge and techniques to navigate election reporting. The journalists and bloggers were trained on picking out misinformation and disinformation, while giving voices to the minority in the democratic process.

Interventions from Elections Cameroon representative, informed the journalists and bloggers on the key stages of the electoral process and how the media could observe. Light was also made on; fact checking, handling crisis reporting and carrying out investigative journalism during elections.

Boris Kaloff Batata, a Buea based journalist said the exchanges have fine-tuned him for the task of effectively reporting the upcoming polls. “I have learned how to identify sources of post electoral conflict and my role as a Journalist to advert such from occurring,” he noted.

The opening day unfolded with the British High Commissioner to Cameroon, Matt Woods in attendance. The training of media men proceeds that of youths in Yaounde and Ngaoundere in November 2024. All part of the “Empowering Every Vote Project”.

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