Human Interest

Former separatist commander, Nambere threatens Prime Minister, says ready to bomb 30 armored cars

The threats were made in a close to 10 minutes video where the former combatant is seen with three AK47 guns, spitting fire. Nanje Leonard Nakeri Nambere said for the past two years, he has been used and abandoned by the regime,

“I have discovered that I have been used and my part is finished so nobody has my time. I stopped this fight not because I was scared, or because someone said should stop. I cannot be an adopted son to the PM of my country, head of government, I am still living like someone who was called by a tapper from the village. If I want to pay my house rents, I need to beg for money, if I want to buy gas, I need to beg for money.”

He held a gun and said he still has command over the fighters he left and can return home and cause chaos.

“I was holding a very bigger portion of soldiers which I controlled which they are 6500 starting from Meme to Kupe Muangenguba, right to Bamenda to the North West. If I have not removed these boys from the bush, about, let me say about 600 have come out from the bush with all the risks I have been taking, it is like I am a mad man, everyday people are laughing at me.”

Nambere gave the PM Dion Ngute, three conditions,

  1. The Cameroon government should send him to the UK or US

2. A passport or ID card should be given to him through a third party

3. Money should be sent to him to start life

“If I find myself back in this country, I can spoil 30 amoured cars, I make sure 30 will not move, I do not care if I die. Daddy, you know very well that I can do more than what “10 Kobo” has done- Reply me or I will go ahead. I have material of more than 100 million. I do not say what I do not do.-

General Nakere Nambere, former Ambazonia combatant

A former combatant, Clovis said Nambere is making useless noise and cannot return to fighting the central government. ” Nambere you worked a lot of money in this struggle. You bought a lot of things for yourself, built houses, and had a home in Nigeria…I am so ashamed and embarrassed for you to say this, despite what the government did to you. Just the amnesty is enough,” he said.

State agents have said Nambere was allegedly paid more than FCFA 20 million but he squandered the money thinking that more will be given. But in the entire video, the runaway fighter said he lived a beggarly life while in Cameroon.

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