Anti-LGBT laws in Cameroon disproportionately target the poor-Bandy Kiki

The LGBT+ Activist, UK based, Bandy Kiki noted that the law that criminalizes the practice or same sex marriage in Cameroon affects the poor more than the rich. This statement was made within the context of the “Coming out” of Brenda Biya, the daughter of Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya. But Kiki also noted that Brenda’s outing may challenge these existing laws.
“Obviously, as the first daughter of the country, her coming out directly challenges Cameroon’s laws and societal norms that criminalize and stigmatize same-sex relations. It brings attention to the legal and social issues faced by the LGBTQ+ community in Cameroon. I think it is imperative to add that Anti-LGBT laws in Cameroon disproportionately target the poor. Wealth and connections create a shield for some, while others face severe consequences.”
On June 30, 2024, Brenda Biya posted a picture of her kissing her girlfriend on her Instagram account, revealing that she wanted the world to know how she was madly in love with the Brazilian model. Brenda’s Comming out was a shock to her family and the Cameroonians, but the LGBT+ community jubilated.
“Am so happy for Brenda Biya and love that she felt empowered enough to share this part of herself with the world. Her coming out has brought hope and much-needed excitement within the LGBT+ community in Cameroon.” Bandy Kiki told CNA in a chat.
Brenda Biya has recieved backlash from her family who asked her to delete all the videos and pictures posted on her Instagram account. The Cameroon public has also hit hard on the 27 year-old. A local pressure group in Cameroon has already petitioned the courts to prosecute Brenda Biya. Bandy Kiki said this was expected.
“Coming out is always challenging, and it may be even more difficult for Brenda given her high profile and public scrutiny. I hope she has a strong support system of people who care about her and can help her navigate this journey. While there are hateful anti-LGBT comments online, I want Brenda to know that there is also a significant amount of support for her within the Cameroon LGBT community.”
Same sex practice is prohibited in Cameroon in section 347(1) of the penal code with tines ranging from 20,000 to five years imprisonment.
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